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Rust Prevention Overseas container

Rust Prevention: How-to Keep Your Metal Parts Rust-Free When Shipping Containers Overseas

Posted on January 19, 2021
Scenario: You’ve recently filled a shipping container and shipped it overseas from North America to Asia. Upon arrival, your customer has complained that rust is rampant throughout the container, and you are planning to ship another container every month. Unfortunately, you can’t afford the rework and scrap costs on the most recent shipments, so what do
desiccants VCI

Can you use desiccants with VCI?

Posted on December 23, 2020
The short answer is “yes if used correctly.” VCI and desiccants function in different ways in reducing the risk of corrosion. VCI emits a corrosion inhibiting chemistry designed to protect the surface of the metal. Desiccant is designed to absorb atmospheric moisture, reducing the electrolyte that accelerates corrosion. VCI and desiccant do not interfere with each
What to Do When Rust Prevention Fails?

What to Do When Rust Prevention Fails?

In the manufacturing world, many companies go to great lengths to select products and processes to prevent rust and corrosion from forming on their valuable metal assets during transit and storage. They will probably incorporate volatile corrosion inhibitor (VCI) packaging, rust preventative (RP) coatings, desiccants, or some combination of them. But what happens when their
Corrosion System

Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) Method for a Better Understanding of the Corrosion System

Posted on November 3, 2020
The corrosion rate is controlled by different factors such as pH, temperature, electrochemical potential, electrolyte, and as well as the applied corrosion control method. Those factors together make the corrosion control method evaluation complex and time-consuming. As we all know, corrosion is an electrochemical procedure.  The concept of electrical resistance tells us the higher the
What Should You Consider When Choosing a VCI Supplier?

What Should You Consider When Choosing a VCI Supplier?

Posted on October 14, 2020
Are you in search of a VCI supplier due to company specifications? Currently experiencing corrosion issues at your facility? or just unhappy with the products and services provided by your current VCI supplier? No matter the reason for your search, when choosing a VCI supplier, you should consider this. Is the VCI supplier reputable (ISO
proper metalworking fluid filtration

Metalworking Fluids Maintenance: Proper Filtration

Posted on October 14, 2020
Washes, rinses, machining coolants, lubricants, rust preventatives, and other metalworking fluids (MWFs) are frequently used in industrial manufacturing facilities. Proper maintenance of metalworking fluids is required to preserve the fluid’s health, increase the fluid’s lifetime, minimize corrosion risk, and even reduce wear and tear on tools and machines. Unfortunately, proper filtration is one of the
How to use VCI

How to use ZERUST® VCI Products Correctly

Posted on September 21, 2020
For nearly 5 decades now, manufacturers and OEMs across the globe have been incorporating ZERUST® Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor (VCI) products into their packaging applications to prevent rust and corrosion during shipping and storage of their metal goods. However, despite years of experience, not everyone fully understands how VCI works and how to use it correctly
Hydrostatic Testing Additive

AxxaVis™ HST-10 – An Environmentally Friendly and Effective Hydrostatic Testing Additive

Posted on August 17, 2020
Pressure vessels such as pipelines, plumbing, gas cylinders, boilers, above-ground storage tanks (ASTs), and fuel tanks are typically required to undergo hydrostatic testing for strength and leaks. Testing pressure vessels to transport and store gases is vital because such containers can explode if they fail under pressure. Hydrostatic testing is a well-known industry standard test
VCI Jar Test

The Various Official Flavors of the Jar Test: Evaluating the Efficacy of Volatile Corrosion Inhibitors (VCI)

Posted on August 14, 2020
The use of anti-corrosive packaging materials functionalized with volatile corrosion inhibitors (VCI) to preserve processed metal parts is critical for any good corrosion management program. Evaluating the efficacy of VCI packaging to provide off-contact protection of steel surfaces is commonly performed in the laboratory using the Vapor-phase Inhibition Ability (VIA) test, also known as the
Reduce corrosion risk

ZERUST® ICT®510-C Film Reduces Corrosion Risk

Posted on August 6, 2020